
Saving for Trips

Having money to travel is like saving for anything else - you need to do it on purpose.  Rarely is there just enough spare money in your bank account to take a trip.  I choose to save money every month because for me travel is a priority.  I even have a separate savings account that is labeled as our "Trip Fund".  I understand that not everyone is that dedicated to their vacations, but even being able to get away every once and a while is nice.
Fortunately, it doesn't take much money for it to add up though.  I think some people would be surprised at how little you would need to put away when you break it down per day or per week.  For the previous post (Challenge: Romantic Getaway) the budget was $1500 by late August.  At first that amount may seem daunting, but if you save just $5/day ($35/week) then by the end of August you would have the $1500 for the trip (or at least pretty darn close).

For a shorter trip like Option #3 to Niagara Falls (Challenge: Niagara Falls) you would need about $600.  To reach $650 by the trip on May 10th, you would only need to save about $25/week ($3.57/day) and this even gives you a little extra.  If you wanted to take that same trip in the fall (assuming same prices) you could put away only $2/day and still have $650 by the end of September!  These are some examples of items most of us usually wouldn't think twice about buying:
-Starbucks drink: usually around $4
-Chipotle: $6 without a drink or chips
-Hallmark card: $3-5
-2 for $20 Meals: ~$25 with tax+tip
-New Shirt: $15 for even an average shirt at Kohl's or Target
While it is unlikely that you will stop buying these things completely, it just gives an idea of areas you could find a few dollars to save a for a trip - even if you only pick one!  So now instead of spending that money, put it away in your trip fund.  If you get a few dollars for a birthday or holiday put that directly into the fund, too.  It can help you save up to your goal quicker or give yourself a few days off from saving.

Anyone else saving up for a special trip?  If so, where are you planning to visit?  
I always have a hard time deciding where to go next, but my husband and I are thinking maybe New York City or Boston.

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